Unboxing Sino-doll SI-152/D with S10 head aka ›Amanda‹

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12. June 2019 - 4:19
Dollstudio's picture
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Re: Unboxing Sino-doll SI-152 with A10 head aka ›Amanda‹

8 ) Eye mechanism.

Movable eyes are a customization option which is charged extra, so I was very curious about this feature.

Precisely adjusting the line of sight is crucial for appealing portraits, and - so far - no manufacturer has managed to invent a easy to use mechanism that works consistently. There are some good ideas, e.g. Ruby13's mechanism which prevent cross-eyes view, and Doll Sweet's spring-based mechanism which theoretically allows for very precise adjustments. Though, in reality manufacturing spread messes with these good ideas. Sometimes the DS mechsnism works smoothly, sometimes it drives you crazy because the spring pushes the eyeballs exactly there where you do not want them. Z-Onedoll uses full-round eyeballs which simply rest in the eye sockets. Initially they stuck to the silicon behind and were almost not adjustable; though there is an easy fix (putting a little piece of paper behind the eye ball), which makes them work smoothly. Sino-doll's movable eyes feature seems to be inspired by Doll Sweet's eye mechanism – and inherits similar handling issues because of varying spring tension.

Sino-doll's eye mechnism has the same problems as Doll Sweet's original: Sometimes it works smoothly, and sometimes it does not work at all. I guess that there will be manufacturing spread, so some people will get a nice eye mechanism, others will despair because it makes the eye balls jump around.

The eye mechanism on the SI-152/D works a bit better than the one I got on the SI-172/H. It works alright, but it is not a must-have option. But it is worth to be considered, if you are planning to use your doll for photography. Even if it seems to be a bit hit & miss if you get a good or a not so good spring, it can make adjusting the line of sight easier.


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12. June 2019 - 4:24
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Re: Unboxing Sino-doll SI-152 with A10 head aka ›Amanda‹

9) Accessories and Scope of supply.

The scope of supply (in the sense of 'factory gifts') is similar as it was with Z-Onedoll.

One difference is that the accessories a not just thrown into the box together with the doll. Sino-doll puts them into a bag outside of the inner doll padding:

It's much better this way. There is no danger that the metal comb pokes into the delicate synthetic flesh and causes dents or tears.

I got a metal comb, a big syringe, an USB heater and a pair of 'cotton' gloves (no, definitely no natural cotton anymore Wink

The metal comb is identical with the one Z-Onedoll was shipping. It's a solid metal piece with some weight, which gives it the impression of some value.

The USB heater is the same weg get together with most TPE dolls.

The syringe is intended for cleaning the doll's body cavities. It's also similar to the accessories Z-Onedoll was shipping, and it is better than the (smaller) plastic enemas shipped together with TPE dolls.

Also there was a (simple) outfit – a two-part leopard bikini:

It fits, more or less:

Amanda can wear it, but it does not really look good on her. I think it looks a bit 'cheap' (in any sense of this word).

My suggestion for the factory outfit would be: Try to find a pice that really fits and actually looks good, or save the money (and the waste) like some other silicone doll makers.

Last but not least, the dolls comes with one wig.
The brown factory wig is quite alright; it's shown on all pictures so far of the doll with a wig.

The Sino-doll factory wigs are a little bit better than what we typically get from other factories. This is another heritage from Z-Onedoll where wigs of similar quality were used.

Normally I am recommending not to put too much attention to the factory wigs as they can be easily replaced with better wigs from specialized stores. In case of Sino-doll it is slightly different, the factory wigs are usable as they are and do not need to be disposed quickly.

Also, opposed to some other doll makers, Sino-doll has a greater variety of wig options; currently there are 11 styles to choose from. A listing of all Sino-doll wigs can be found here on the forum.


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12. June 2019 - 4:43
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Re: Unboxing Sino-doll SI-152 with A10 head aka ›Amanda‹

10) Skeleton and Posing capability.

For me, the posing capability of a doll is important. Really important. I do enjoy nicely adjusted joints which help me to put the doll into exactly the position I want. And I want that she keeps that pose as long as I want.

Having that said, the Sino-doll skeleton of the SI-152/D is much better than the one I got half a year ago with the SI-172/H.

First of all, she has the standing option – and she can stand!

Actually, she is now standing for one week straight without falling or bending. I think the skeleton is comparably tough as the one I got three years ago with the Z-Onedoll ZO-160/B. This doll is standing for over two years without falling.

From Z-Onedoll, the SI-152/D inherits the encapsulated bolts in the soles of her feet. This approach is so much better than the raw metal screws used in current TPE dolls. These metal screws can ruin your floor, your carpet, they can tear through socks and poke through shoewear. The encapsulated bolts particularily pretty, but they are functional – and protect your floor from scratches.

Encapsulated bolts in the soles of the feet:

You can remove the bolts from the feet. They look like so:

Unscrewed from the foot, a hole in the silicone skin is left:

Also she has the shrugging shoulders upgrade. Shrugging does now work as expected, with the only limitation that material tension pulls the shrugged shoulders down quite quickly. So you can use shrugging for a quick picture, but not for a permanent pose.

Other than that, the skeleton is nicely adjusted. The joints are neither too loose nor too tight. Most normal movements are possible, and she twists and bends nicely in the waist area:

In regard to the skeleton, I do not have any serious complaints. It works as it is supposed to, and it makes an robust impression.


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12. June 2019 - 4:45
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Re: Unboxing Sino-doll SI-152 with A10 head aka ›Amanda‹

11) Accordance to specifications.

Weight of body:

Measured weight is 29,85 kg (rounded ~29,9 kg) with head but without wig or any clothing respectively 28,27 kg (rounded ~28,3 kg) without head.

As of June 13th, 2019, the Sino-doll website lists a weight of 28 kg for the product "152cm(4ft11') Blonde Perfect Silicone Sex Doll With Metal Skeleton - S10 Amanda". The website does not clearly state if the weight is supposed to be for the body only or for the full doll.

Weight of head:

Measured weight is 1,58 kg (rounded ~1,6 kg) without wig.

So the SI-152/D keeps her specified weight pretty good, if you consider the officially specified weight for the body only. If you want to assume that the specified weight referrs to the depicted configuration – a doll with head – the weight still remains within the common range of acceptable deviation of +/- 10%.

As of June 13th, 2019, the Sino-doll website does not state any more detailed specifications, e.g. for hand length or foot length, so there is no up-to-date data for comparisons. The old website listed the hand length with 13 cm and the foot length with 19 cm. The foot length on my sample is approximately the same, but the hand is a bit longer (from wrist to tip of middle finger ~15 cm).

As far as the weight specs are concerned, Sino-doll's data for the SI-152/D is credible. You just need to keep in mind that silicone dolls can have a characteristic +/- 10% deviation. Possibly 2-3 kg more still counts. However, 10% is so much better than the 20% or 30% we encountered on other dolls.


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12. June 2019 - 5:00
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Re: Unboxing Sino-doll SI-152 with A10 head aka ›Amanda‹

12) Quick portraits.

So far, the overall appearance of this SI-152/D sample is quite good.

But how homogenous does the assembled doll look like?

I took a few qick pictures:

On both pictures above the left eyeball is still as it was ex factory. There is some residue like crazy glue whick makes the eye appear murky.

I tried to scratch the residue off with my finger nail. I think the eye looks now better:

I'd say, this doll is highly photogenic!

If you take a closer look at the neck – there is no gap between head and body like it was on the SI-172/H.

So far, I haven't encountered any serious issues with this doll.

Intermediary verdict: This might be a winner!

Let's see what the close-up inspection will uncover…


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14. June 2019 - 0:46
Dollstudio's picture
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Re: Unboxing Sino-doll SI-152 with A10 head aka ›Amanda‹

13) Preliminary conclusion.

For this SI-152/D sample, as well the first impressions as the first closer looks were good.

Improvements. None of the (critical) issues with the SI-172/H sample from November 2018 were showing up on the SI-152/D.
Basically everything is better now. Most notably:

  • The doll meets body weight specs within a reasonable deviation.
  • Joints are properly adjusted so the doll can stand reliably with a 3rd point of contact.
  • Shrugging shoulder joints work as expected and do not hang down.
  • The neck connector was improved and does not result in a 1 cm gap between neack and head.
  • Smell is almost not noticeable, and oil leakage is within acceptable boundaries.
  • Head to body proportions are as well sane as the size of hands and feet; overall, the SI-152/D has a homogenous body sculpt and does not look like assembled from parts which do not fit together.

Consistency. Most of the things that already were good in the November 2018 sample were kept across different body styles, so we can assume that these features can and will be made consistently in this quality. For example:

  • The skin tone is beautiful; it looks warm and natural. Skin tone of head and body matches precisely.
  • Body makeup is good or even better than good; the pigments do not rub off easily, and the colors appear natural.
  • Skin texture is OK.
  • Ultra-soft vagina option is still a killer feature if you want a doll for sex.
  • Packaging and padding is excellent, and – consistently with the SI-172/H sample from six months ago – no accidental shipping damage is to expected with this kind of packaging.

The eye mechanism is still a bit too fiddly to be a real advancement over TPE-style eyes, and the bikini lines were better on the SI-172/H sample. I have the impression that these optional customizations are not yet executed in sucha consistent and beneficial way that they could be generally recommended.

Desiderata. There are still a couple of areas with room for enhancement, though this are high level desiderata. For example:

  • The vagina and the other body cavities could be a bit less tight. However, the SI-152/D should be usable for most average Caucasian males.
  • A little bit more QC when completing a doll wouldn't hurt. A missing screw and a hole in the bottom of the head is no desaster, but it could be easily avoided.
  • Manufacturing tolerances could be tightened a bit. The slight offset of the neck connector is no desaster, again, but it can't hurt is the 'spine' is properly centered. The slightly different opening of left and right eye is to minimal to put someone seriously off, but
  • If seamline trimming would be improved a bit, Sino-doll would even more catch up with quality leaders like Doll Sweet.

However, none of these minor issues affect the functionality. Improvements in these areas would just broaden the reach of Sino-doll and push the brand a little bit more above and beyond the upper medium range.

Summary. Overall, Sino-doll's SI-152/D is a charming doll with a good body sculpt, a pretty face and an acceptable price. Sino-dolls are not cheap, but I think they are worth their money if they are like this sample.

This sample did not have any major flaws, and it generally appeared as 'fit for purpose'. This doll can stand reliably, she is a patient photo model and an attractive everyday companion – and you can have sex with her, unless you are hung like a horse. The combination of alle these different usage cases makes the SI-152/D a very capable doll with the only downside – that she is so tiny.


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14. June 2019 - 1:09
Dollstudio's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Re: Unboxing Sino-doll SI-152 with A10 head aka ›Amanda‹

14) Manufacturing quality.

After we have concluded in the last post that the SI-152/D is an overall good doll that can be recommended without any major reservations, let's take a closer look at some details.

These details do not affect functionality and mentioning them could be considered as nitpicking. But since some customers keep asking if manufacturing quality of Sino-doll is high end or rather upper medium range, here are some comments about what you can expect.

Generally, manufacturing quality of my SI-152/D sample was good, but not excellent.

For example, there are visible seamlines. Personally I don't think that the seamlines hurt the pleasant appearance of this doll. Imho, a doll does not need to look not like a doll. Seamlines belong to the creation process, and the way Sino-doll trims the seamlines is good enough for the intended purpose of a companion doll or a sex doll. Ymmv, but I do not see the slightly visible seamlines as a problem.

Some customization options are not entirely thought til the end. For example the way the bikini lines are applied. I like bikini lines a lot, but it does not make me happy if they end on the front side.

Bikini lines end on shoulder seam line:

Bikini lines also end on hip seam line:

In the picture above, the brush strokes from applying the bikini lines remain visible. It impacts the desired effect a bit.

Another details is adhesion of the silicone to the core of the head. This issue sometimes occured as well with heads from the Z-Onedoll predecessors. Sometime you could even peel the silicone from the head and then put it back. Sinio-doll has improved in this area, but adhesion is still not 100%:

However, it does not affect funtionality. If you don't like it the way it is, you could make a small incision in the back of the head and inject some super glue onto the core.

Last but not least, another not entirely perfect detail is the placement of the neck connector. It is not exactly centered in the middle of the neck:

Subtle details like this can decide if the doll's appearance gets an odd touch. In the SI-172/H from half a year ago, the deviation was a bit too much so the head looked a odd when attached to the body. Possibly in the SI-172/H a slight deviation of the neck connector on both ends and the 'work in progress' connector mechanism accumulated in an unfavorable way.

In case of the SI-152/D, there is a visible offset of the neck connector, but it does not affect the appearance of the assembled doll. As far as I have noticed so far, the slightly sideways shifted neck connector does neither affect funktionality nor beauty of this doll.

If you want ultimate precision without any compromises, an Orient Doll head could be the better choice for you. But this precision has it's price, a steep price. The head alone will cost more than half a complete Sino-doll.

Is ultimate precision really worth the extra money, especially if it neither has noticable functional nor aestetic benefits?

Is manufacturing quality good enough, considering that this isn't a very expensive doll, but it isn't a cheap doll, either?

My answer is a clear "yes"!

Personally I think that Sino-doll manufacturing quality as shown in this SI-152/D sample is good enough. This doll is fit for purpose.

Yes, in some areas there is still room for improvement. I listed some of them above.
Which other doll does not have some areas that could be improved?
I am quite happy with the manufacturing quality as it is.

Also I'd like to empasize that in regard to manufacturing quality, there were massive improvements:

  • The first a big leap was from Z-Onedoll to the SI-172/H from last year; not in all areas, but in some. For example by introducing the ultra-soft vagina option; the homogenous skin tone composition; and the permanent body makeup.
  • The second big leap was from the SI-172/H to this SI-152/D half a year later. All critical issues encountered with the first sample were fixed and there were no noteworthy regressions.

The promising beginnings have now matured.

Only one question remains: Will manufacturing quality remain consistently on this level?


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17. June 2019 - 4:52
Dollstudio's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Re: Unboxing Sino-doll SI-152 with S10 head aka ›Amanda‹

14) To do list.

In the next weeks, I will do some more in-depth inpections; e.g. I am planning to take a peek into the body cavities with an endoscope; and I will collect some impressions how she survives the test of time. So far, the only wear & tear I encoundered is that the eyelashes start to come off.

Another topic I haven't investigated yet is repairs. In the past months, some Sino-dolls seem to have not played along well with all available silicone glues, so I asked Sino-doll for material samples to do some systematic tests. I did not get any material samples, so these tests might have to wait until I encounter an actual injury.

I'm not sure yet if I will do side-by-side comparisons with other dolls, e.g. with a Z-Onedoll, a Doll Sweet, or a Gynoid Tech. Please make a comment if you are interested in 1:1 side-by-side comparisons or the drafted big 'shootout' between the four Chinese silicone bigshots – Doll Sweet Evo vs. Sino-doll vs. Gynoid Tech. vs. Hitdoll/Ildoll with HR.


18. June 2019 - 16:48
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Re: Unboxing Sino-doll SI-152 with S10 head aka ›Amanda‹


as usual, I am pausing this review now for a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, that will give you the opportunity to ask questions, and I can take a look if she shows signs to fall apart by herself.

As time permits, I will post occasional pictures or add new findings, and in a while post my final conclusion.


11. July 2019 - 3:06
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Re: Unboxing Sino-doll SI-152 with S10 head aka ›Amanda‹


almost six weeks have passed since Amanda arrived, so it is time to take another look how she is doing.

In a nutshell, she is doing fabulously.

No signs of decay, autodestruct or wear & tear:

  • The skeleton is still fine; not breakage, no creaking.
  • The joints are still tight and hold poses.
  • Standing continues to work flawlessly. Actually, Amanda spent the better part of the past six weeks standing.
  • No tears in the silicone.
  • No tears in the ultra-soft vagina.
  • No noteworthy oil leakage.
  • No staining from blankets or clothing.
  • Finger and toe nails are still where they are supposed to be.
  • No other damages.

The only noteworthy (minor) issue is that the eyelashes continue to become loose. However, so far they haven't fallen off.

This Sino-doll is holding up exceptionally well, compared to other current dolls.

If you are looking for a doll with reasonable price, exquisite packaging and moderate weight for sex or posing, you might want to take a closer look at the Sino-doll SI152/D.

Unless something unexpected happens within the next couple of weeks, this doll is highly recommended.

You can get the Sino-doll SI-152/D from Dollstudio!



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